Home Visiting Evidence of Effectiveness (HomVEE) was launched in fall 2009 to conduct a thorough and transparent review of the home visiting research literature and provide an assessment of the evidence of effectiveness for home visiting program models that serve families with pregnant women and children from birth to age 5. This executive summary provides an overview of the HomVEE review process, a summary of the review results, and a link to the HomVEE website for more detailed information. The updated report includes 40 home visiting models.
Annie E. Casey Report Recommends Expanded Home Visiting
A new Kids Count Policy Report issued by the Annie E. Casey Foundation contains recommendations for improving children's success in life. Titled "THE FIRST EIGHT YEARS: giving kids a foundation for lifetime success", the report gives evidence for the importance of investing in children in the early years and offers recommendations on what it takes to help children succeed.
Optimized Outcomes Graph​

Home Visiting Service Model