Home Visiting Community
Currently, one in three infants and toddlers live in poverty in Minnesota. Research shows financially stressed families are more likely to have strain and instability that pressures relationships between parent and child.
What is targeted home visiting?
Targeted home visiting provides voluntary stabilizing support for at-risk families where they are most comfortable, at home and in their community.
During the first three years of life, a positive, healthy relationship with a parent or caregiving figure is the most important factor for successful development. These relationships not only provide a safe and healthy environment for physical growth, but also positive interactions that support healthy emotional and social development, and learning.
Families receiving targeted home visiting have:
Access to health care services to improve pregnancy and birth outcomes of the child,
Opportunities and support to develop secure attachment with their children,
Support their child’s physical and mental health development,
Support for maternal health and employment need, and/or
Connections to community resources.
Why does targeted home visiting matter?
The first three years of a child’s life are critical to making sure everyone has the opportunity to live happy, healthy, fulfilling lives. Children who meet healthy physical and cognitive development benchmarks during the first three years are more likely to be prepared for school, have stronger relationships, and ultimately have healthier, more stable and prosperous lives.
Without opportunities to achieve desired outcomes for children and families living in poverty, we can expect to see continued stress which can lead to negative health and educational outcomes for children.
Who does targeted home visiting?
Trained professional and paraprofessionals provide parents with the tools they need, empowering them to support their family and child, from pre-natal and pediatric health care to establishing connections to social and community services. To see a portfolio of targeted home visiting programs offered in the state of Minnesota, click here.
Lifetrack has served as the lead agency and fiscal host for the Minnesota Coalition for Targeted Home Visiting since 2011. Additional support is received by the Greater Twin Cities United Way and the Sheltering Arms Foundation.
Up Coming Events
March 8
9:00 AM-11:00​ AM
MCTHV Foundational Training Series: Infant & Child Development and Mental Health
Join us for an overview of infant & child development, social emotional development and mental health principals. This online training is part of the Coalition's Foundational Training Series for home visitors. Practitioners and supervisors will learn critical information to inform their work and learn how implicit bias can impact your work with families. Click here to register
Quarterly Meeting
March 1
9:30 AM-12:00​ PM
Business Meeting & Advocacy
Day at the Capitol
The Minnesota Coalition for Targeted Home Visiting's holds quarterly meetings. The Coalition meets from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm.