The Minnesota Coalition for Family Home Visiting formed in 2009 to
secure stable sources of public and private funding so that voluntary,
targeted home visiting for new and expectant parents could be
available statewide. Since that time, Coalition membership has
grown to more than 40 organizations, including public and private
home visiting providers, counties, children’s advocacy organizations,
health plans, and funders. Initial funding was made possible by the
Metro Alliance for Healthy Families and the McKnight Foundation
and is supported by Greater Twin Cities United Way.
St. David's Center for Child & Family Development has served as the lead agency and fiscal host for the Minnesota Coalition for Family Home Visiting since 2020. Additional support is received by the Greater Twin Cities United Way and the Sheltering Arms Foundation.
The mission of the Minnesota Coalition for Family Home Visiting is to secure stable funding statewide for targeted, intensive home visiting, increase political support for home visiting as a core early childhood service, and collaborate to improve the quality of home visiting practices.
Secure commitment from early care and education organizations, funders and children’s advocacy groups to include advocacy for state funding of home visiting in their legislative agendas and activities.
Build a cross-sector coalition to influence policy and budget deliberations.
Identify and develop a stable funding stream that does not rely exclusively on direct public funding of targeted intensive home visiting.
Build bi-partisan support for voluntary home visiting and early childhood development services.
Collaborate to build opportunities for practice improvement through professional development opportunities.
Interested in receiving news and updates from the Coalition?
Contact Laura LaCroix-Dalluhn or Cati Gómez with any questions about the Minnesota Coalition for Family Home Visiting.