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Trainings, Tools & Community

The Minnesota Coalition for Family Home Visiting offers free training and resources developed with and for Minnesota home visitors. It is among the Coalition’s top priorities to support and build a strong infrastructure to support quality targeted home visiting programs and services. 

Home Visitor Advocacy Tool Kit

The Coalition encourages home visitors to engage in conversation with the families they work with to empower them to advocate for their home visiting program and the issues impacting their community. 


The 2024 Advocacy Toolkit helps home visitors and families reach out to elected officials to share information about home visiting programs and their benefits. Legislators appreciate meeting members of their community and knowing who they can go to with questions or concerns during the legislative session, or when making policy decisions. 

If you are interested in meeting with an elected official and would feel more confident with some extra support, please contact Laura LaCroix-Dalluhn or Cati Gómez.

Join the Minnesota Family Home Visiting Community!

The Minnesota Coalition for Family Home Visiting offers a directory featuring more than 70 programs/organizations that offer home visiting throughout the state of Minnesota. This is not an exhaustive list but rather a hub of all things home visiting services.

If you notice an error, need to update to an existing entry, or if you would like your organization/ program included in the next version of the Directory, please submit your information here

Home Visiting Core Competencies 

The Home Visiting Core Competencies were drafted by the Practice Matters Workgroup, a subcommittee of the Minnesota Coalition for Family Home Visiting for non-model home visiting programs. The purpose of the Core Competencies is to identify the theoretical underpinnings and demonstrated abilities of effective home visiting practice. The Core Competencies are not intended to be an exhaustive inventory of all underpinnings and abilities but rather an attempt to identify the essential foundation to assuring effective home visiting services. 


The Family Home Visiting Professional Development Framework was developed by the Minnesota Department of Health and lays out a framework for professional development in the family home visiting field. The Core Competencies were designed using this professional development framework and drive our work in developing training for family home visitors in Minnesota. 


St. David's Center for Child & Family Development has served as the lead agency and fiscal host for the Minnesota Coalition for Family Home Visiting since 2020. Additional support is received by the Greater Twin Cities United Way, the Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation and the Sheltering Arms Foundation.


© 2020 by St. David's Center for Child & Family Development. 

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