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Ready or Not! Building Strategies to Interrupt Bias & Racism in Our Home Visiting Workplace & Work Culture


After much anticipation, the Minnesota Coalition for Family Home Visitors is happy to begin enrollment into this in-depth opportunity for Minnesota home visitors, and their teams, to assess and change their personal practice to better integrate equity and anti-racist practices in their family home visiting organization. Participating home visitors and their programs will have access to the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI), a widely used and effective cross-culturally valid assessment for building cultural competence. 
This training opportunity aims to build one’s personal and professional capacity to create and support anti bias within the workplace and within our organizational culture. This cohort-based training will have two foci; 


  1. Continued personal learning and growth around bias and racism’s impact on my work and life, and 

  1. Skill building and team support to improve my workplace environment and/or program improvement to help better serve our families, community and staff. 

This opportunity is intended for home visitors who participated in the first foundational series, Confronting the Harmful Impacts of Racism & Bias on Maternal & Child Health Outcomes (formerly, Addressing the Impacts of Unconscious Bias & Racism on Maternal and Child Health Inequities in Family Home Visiting) offered in 2022 and 2023. 
The trainings series will run March-June 2024; and be offered in two locations in Minnesota (Duluth and the Twin Cities). Below is an outline of dates and length of training.  


  • Chanhassen, MN Dates (Chanhassen Library): 

    • March 29th from 11:00 AM - 3:30 PM

    • April 12th from 11:00 AM - 2:30 PM

    • May 16th Online from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

    • June 5th from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

  • Duluth, MN Dates (Morgan Park Community Center):

    • ​March 28th from 11:00 AM - 3:30 PM

    • April 11th from 11:00 AM - 2:30 PM

    • May 14th Online from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

    • June 4th from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Now Updated!

The 2023 Family Home Visiting Directory




The 2023 Minnesota Home Visiting Directory was prepared by the Minnesota Coalition for Family Home Visiting and features various local public health, tribal health, nonprofit, early childhood family education, early head start, and community-based home visiting programs and organizations across the state of Minnesota.  

This is not an exhaustive list but a tool to support families and their home visitors locate and contact home visiting services, no matter where they live in Minnesota. We hope the 2023 Minnesota Home Visiting Directory improves the experience of families looking to access home visiting by making it more convenient to search for services by county or program type. This partnership is intended to help home visitors to make warm handoffs to families as they move across county lines and or graduate programs.

If you would like to add your home visiting program to the directory, or if you would like to update your entry, please fill out this form! 

What is Family Home Visiting?


Family home visiting provides voluntary stabilizing

support for at-risk families where they are most comfortable,

at home and in their community. Children who meet healthy physical and cognitive development benchmarks during the first three years are more likely to be prepared for school, have stronger relationships, and ultimately have healthier, more stable and prosperous lives. 


During the first three years of life, a positive, healthy relationship with a parent or caregiving figure is the most important factor for successful development. These relationships not only provide a safe and healthy environment for physical growth, but also positive interactions that support healthy emotional and social development, and learning.  

Without opportunities to achieve desired outcomes for children and families living in poverty, we can expect to see continued stress which can lead to negative health and educational outcomes for children. 

Currently, one in three infants and toddlers live in poverty in Minnesota. Research shows financially stressed families are more likely to have strain and instability that pressures relationships between parent and child.


Families Receiving Home Visiting Have:

  • Connection to health care services to improve pregnancy and birth outcomes of the child,   

  • Opportunities and support to develop secure attachment with their children,    

  • Support for their child’s physical and mental health development,   

  • Support for maternal health and employment needs, and/or  

  • Connections to community resources.  

Why Does Home visiting Matter?


Early is Best––Brain development is at its peak prenatally and during the earliest months and years of life. Infant and child experiences during this time set the brain’s capacity and patterns which have a powerful influence on child outcomes for the rest of life. The children at highest risk for poor outcomes have mothers with limited education and low incomes; many are single or teen parents. Advances in neuroscience point to the life-long impact of toxic stress (unrelenting and un-buffered by a caring adult) on adult health and ability to learn. 


Return on Investment––Home visiting is a service delivery strategy frequently used to build relationships with parents and children to promote family health and wellness, to increase parental competence and to foster healthy early childhood development. Home visiting programs help build the foundation for the healthy and productive workforce that businesses need. Research proves the potential of properly designed and implemented home visiting programs to transform the lives of at-risk expectants and new parents and their babies and generate significant returns on taxpayer investments. 


Evidence of positive Return On Investment (ROI) for high quality home visiting has been documented and estimates vary. The Minneapolis Federal Reserve’s estimate is 5:1 ROI. Other reports cite improved health outcomes for both parent and child, increased family financial stability, reduced isolation, reduced child maltreatment, improved school success and graduation, and reduced crime. 

Who does Home Visiting in Minnesota?


Trained professional and paraprofessionals provide parents with the tools they need, empowering them to support their family and child, from pre-natal and pediatric health care to establishing connections to social and community services. 

You can find home visiting programs from the directory on the following Google map. If you notice an error, need to update to an existing entry, or if you would like your organization/program included in the next version of the Directory, please submit your information here. 

Interested in receiving news and updates from the Coalition?

St. David's Center for Child & Family Development has served as the lead agency and fiscal host for the Minnesota Coalition for Family Home Visiting since 2020. Additional support is received by the Greater Twin Cities United Way and the Sheltering Arms Foundation.

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